Friday, February 11, 2011

We try... we really do!

Where do guys go wrong with Valentine's Day?

There's a hot debate on the Lowe's Facebook page on whether a vacuum cleaner is a good V-Day gift. Every woman says no, but I think guys who purchase gifts like vacuum cleaners for holidays genuinely think they're doing something romantic.

Assuming the home needs a new VC, we think we're making life a little easier. I'm not saying women should do the vacuuming, in fact I do most of the vacuuming at the Dukes' house. But if there is a list of chores for each person, and vacuuming falls on the woman's side... I can see how frustrating it'd be to have to work with a broken VC.

From a man's perspective, that is the epitome of being in touch with our woman's needs.

Lingerie is a selfish Valentines gift, although probably the best one ever. Let's be honest. Who is he buying that for? Yes, she'll wear it (hopefully), but it's like a silky bowling ball with his initials stamped on it. If you're man buys something functional for Monday's holiday, just thank him for trying.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Billy, dear, "making life a little easier" for us should be your task, not a V-day gift! About the lingerie, well, it can have your initials on it, but, does have ours too, baby! Next year, go and get her the lingerie! Oh, just in time: a Chanel purse would also work! LOL