Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Catching up with MySpace

After three failed password attempts, I was finally able to hack into my MySpace account yesterday morning. It had been awhile.

The first thing I noticed is I have roughly half the “friends” I had when I logged on last – approximately one year ago. The page still looks like the hood of a NASCAR car. Advertisements and chatchki are splattered all over the place making it difficult to rest your eyes on the truly important things. I don't remember what those things were exactly but...

I once read that Taylor Swift responded to every MySpace message sent her way. It was an enormous task then, and I can't imagine her still keeping up on it. Or is she??

I sent her a message. It's been 36 hours and she hasn't responded. I'll give her more time.

While Facebook dominates, MySpace holds one very important advantage. It's still the best place for new musicians to promote their music without paying for their own website. You can post songs, sell merchandise and keep fans in the loop about tour dates and band news. Facebook hasn't figured out how to do this yet. Its sterile interface makes it an unquestionably un-hip place to find new music.

Do you still keep tabs on your MySpace page? How long has it been since you checked in? Give it a try. It sort of feels like catching up with an old friend.

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