Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Is Idol self destructing on purpose?

If you're keeping score at home, Jennifer Lopez will replace Kara, who replaced Paula. Well she didn't really, but we all know better.

Stephen Tyler will replace Simon, and Ellen's chair will be left empty. Randy is still around, but it's the new, thinner Randy and that's not quite the same thing. I mean do you even remember his last "dawg?"

Why is "American Idol" blowing itself up?

Because a slow painful death is much more tragic. If the audience slowly trickled away over the course of four or five boring seasons, the show's permanent legacy would be stained.

Let's draw a parallel to Michael Jordan's career. Had "Air Jordan" stayed gone after winning three straight championships the second time, his reputation would be bulletproof. Instead MJ took three years off, then signed with the lowly Washington Wizards and did two seasons of yeoman's work (relatively). I can't help but wonder if we'd even mention Lebron in the same breath as Jordan had Michale simply stayed gone.

American Idol's experiment with either be a hit or a disaster, but it won't fall in between. Fortunately both are fun to watch, and if the new cast flops and the show goes to reality show heaven, we'll forget and forgive in a few years time.

I'm not sure the same can be said about MJ as a Wizard.

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