Thursday, July 22, 2010

My 1000th show!

Tonight was the 1000th time I cracked the mic at QDR, which sounds like a pretty big deal. Right?

In TV and radio, we celebrate some pretty small things. Have you ever watched the end of a Sports broadcast? They say "Thank You" to everyone that had something to do with it. That'd be like me leaving the office each day and thanking Sherri at the front desk for forwarding my calls, Christy for adding up my paycheck, and Dallas for changing all the light bulbs on an "as needed" basis.

Basically I showed up for work for 3.5 years and that added up to 1000 shows.

"So Billy, why do you count?"

I don't know. I just count things. In church growing up I counted pews and support beams in the roof. When I bike I count churches or dogs. I'm like Rain Man, except my brother doesn't have that sweet of a car.

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