Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How to make sports more interesting

The greatest television sporting event I've ever witnessed was auto race in which cars circled a track while trucks (or school buses) pulling long trailers cut across the middle. The drivers never knew when to slow down or speed up; it was a bit like playing Frogger at 90 mph with your eyes closed.

And it was amazing!

In the spirit of this event (which sadly I've never heard of or seen since that one ugly night at a bar in Dearborn, Michigan) I've come up with some ways to make a few of our favorite sports more spectacular.

Take football for example. When I was young, we raced back and forth across the back yard to score a touchdown. If it was a short yard, you may have to go there, back, and there to score. The NFL should adopt this policy. How wonderful would it be to see Chad Ochocinco catch a ball in the end zone, then have to turn around and get through a defense that missed him the first time.

The NBA should borrow a page from World Cup soccer and hide how much time remains from the coaches players and fans. In fact, make the length of each game random. There might be 60 minutes to play. There could be 6. The pace would be frantic and fantastic.

Finally, the Home run Derby could use a few tweaks, but I'll list one. After each tater, have the hitters trot around the bases. If nothing else it will eliminate showing up the pitcher, and it may speed up the regular season games. A player would realize how silly it looks to peacock around 2nd base and instead put their head down and get to the dugout as fast as possible.

I don't have anything for hockey... any suggestions?

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