Monday, May 24, 2010

The most important piece of mail EVER!!!

It arrived in my mailbox today. I could tell right away it was different from the others. First, the envelope wasn't sealed with glue. Nope, this piece had perforated edges all the way around that I had to tear off, like the edges of dot matrix printer paper.

What a proud parcel he was! Not afraid of bragging on the contents inside. I do like confidence in a letter.


"Very Important Information Enclosed!"

My hands trembled with anticipation. I peeked over my shoulders to make sure the neighbor lady wasn't watching. Slowly I tore the left edge. Then I freed the top. The contents were thick. Numerous pages folded back and forth. I almost ripped through by hastily pulling apart the right edge. I couldn't even bother with the bottom perforation.

The letter began:

"Dear Mr. Ducks,"

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