Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Facebook Makes me so angry! Grrrrr!!!!


I mean, really. When I signed up for Facebook, I expected them to tailor the site to my personal needs for eternity. But now they've gone and changed in the name of making a dollar or two in a capitalist society. Those pigs!

They practically forced me to sign up. Like, everyone else was doing it. I couldn't be the only DJ not on Facebook. What would people think? Then they hooked me by suggesting old "friends" and "girlfriends" to spy on. If I didn't have all this in my life, I'd probably die.

So Mr. Facebook, please bring back the old settings and return to your old privacy policy or I'll be forced to continue issuing empty threats to delete my page entirely. I'll do it. I'm not kidding. And then you'll have 450 + people who know me in increasingly vague ways really ticked off.

I'd hate to be the one who has to answer that phone call.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was ranting and raving today on this very subject! I make threats but facebook is a drug! I'm so addicted!