Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dance Magic

One question everyone still wants to know after this season's "Dancing with the Stars" finale is "Are Erin and Maksim dating?" Their chemistry was so genuine, and those playful little tussles between routines seemed pumped full of lover's energy.

To me, the more interesting question has always been: "Why isn't every celebrity on DWTS spending "extra rehearsal time" with his or her partner?"

If you make it through the first six weeks, you're rivaling late night Cinemax in terms of suggestive behavior. "Emmanuel Queen of the Galaxy" would blush if she had to wear some of those outfits. Then the dancing begins with the hips and the legs and the deep passionate stares... Whew-wee!!! Jesse James would not do well on this show.

In addition, dancers and theater people are a weirdly touchy lot. It took me a long time to get past this during my celebrity dancing experience (video below). Kat and I didn't share the same electric excitement that gets a man in trouble, but it's not like I have Chad Ochocinco's pectoral muscles to offer.

I've always wanted to ask Chuck Wicks about this, but now that he's not with Julianne Hough it seems inappropriate.

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