Friday, May 28, 2010

The Jack Ingram mystery

Sometimes an artist can work hard, play nice, make great music, and still find himself looking up at less talented musicians with more successful albums.

Enter Jack Ingram

I've chatted with Jack on three occasions. The first was on his tour bus when he amazed a group of listeners with a soft, acoustic song about his daughter called "Ava Adele." It was so beautiful my heart hurt.

The second and third talks were on the QDR party deck before a concert. He's an engaging interview who makes his own fun. A radio guy couldn't ask for more.

His last album "Big Dreams and High Hopes" had two radio hits in "That's A Man" and "Barefoot and Crazy," but didn't sell many copies despite Jack setting a world record for most radio interviews in 24 hours leading up to it's release. The rest of the music was really good - unique insightful lyrics, playful melodies and soulful ballads.

He's a good looking guy, and he's great live. To the best of my knowledge he hasn't ticked off anyone in Nashville, yet he's struggling to find the fanbase he deserves. He admitted today that it's frustrating, but added when he's down he just starts writing again and that usually picks up his spirits.

Could you ask for a better response?!?!

Here's the video of our deck interview from the May 28 Country Throwdown Tour stop in Raleigh, NC.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the musical part of his show, a lot. He is more appealing in that interview than he was during his banter on stage between sets yesterday afternoon.