Thursday, August 26, 2010

I call Shenanigans on Fox and ABC

Like any great athlete, a TV network's mid-season performance is determined by the work they put in during the off season.

Rumors of "American Idol" judge replacements have lasted all summer, and "Dancing With the Stars" "leaks" have been soaking us since Independence Day. I find myself unusually excited for next Monday's official announcement of DWTS celebs, and absolutely immersed in the Idol drama

Let's go through the list of names attached to one or both shows: Bret Michaels, The Situation, Bristol Palin, Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler, Elton John, those idiots from the Hills, Troy Aikman, Hasslehoff, Kurt Warner, Kirstie Alley, Shania Twain... I'm forgetting about two dozen other celebrities and tabloid stars.

How many of these were concocted through hearsay and misunderstanding? I'm guessing half.

How many were legitimately considered by the respective shows? Perhaps 25%.

It's my theory the networks are responsible for the remaining quarter, perhaps
even going as far as asking (read: paying) celebs to play along. For weeks we heard Brett Michaels was a shoe in for Idol. Then nothing.

Jennifer Lopez was as good as signed. Now that rumor is as old as her last hit song.

Millions of dollars are spent on advertising during the shows' seasons, why not give someone like J-Lo six figures to play along for a few weeks in July? The ensuing conversation at water coolers across America is worth 100 times that figure.

My guess is Steven Tyler and a woman we haven't heard about yet will judge "American Idol." DWTS leans towards celebrities who bring a wholesome, positive storyline that America can get behind. Bristol Palin fits that mold, as does Kirstie Alley. David Hasslehoff?...

I'm not sure we want to Hassle the Hoff twice a week for ten weeks.

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