Monday, June 28, 2010

The story (and controversy) behind this picture

This picture of Kellie Pickler (and her left hand weight) first appeared on the QDR Page on Facebook. It was taken as Kellie chatted with Lisa McKay and me, before she performed at Walnut Creek on June 25. A member of our promotion team named "Big Mike" has an eye for a great picture, and nailed this one.

People Magazine then picked it up, added the closeup insert, and ran it in an online article after securing our permission to use the picture. We were pretty pumped to be included in a "People" Magazine article, albeit online.

Come to find out, "People" sort of snookered us. While they had the exclusive on the engagement story, another tabloid had the rights to the ring.

Well played "People," Well played.

Here's the video of our interview with Kellie Pickler. It could be the subject of an entirely different blog post, and mayhaps it will be some day.

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