Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Soccer... Why Don't You Love Me? Part 2

In the end America met, but didn't exceed expectations for the FIFA World Cup. They advanced out of pool play, but couldn't get past Ghana in the opening round of elimination play.

That's refreshing. For years the American Soccer effort had sort of been the dead beat dad of American athletics.

They are full of promise, and once in awhile dazzle us with a big win or a cool toy. When we need them most however - i.e. every other World Cup since 1930 - they let us down. I'm glad 2010 was the year papa followed through on a commitment.

I really enjoyed watching the Americans play. Heck, I even enjoyed listening to soccer games on the radio, which makes no sense. Despite a lack of understanding of the rules, I found the pace satisfying and even hope to take in a Carolina Railhawks' game before their season ends.

FIFA has some work to do before I'll take this sport as seriously as I do football and baseball however. First, they need to convince me not every game sounds like a swarm of killer bees. Second I need to know the refs aren't paid off to throw games. Their solution to an accidental replay showing an officials gaff was to ban in stadium replay. You can't treat me like I'm 9 years old and expect me to play along.

Clean yourself up FIFA. This is your sport's biggest stage. At least act like you're interested in expanding your fan base. I'm not asking you to cater to Americans (cheerleaders would be nice though) I'm just asking you not to make Major League Baseball look competent.

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