Monday, May 3, 2010

Grading a Hug from Taylor Swift

Last week I talked to the guys from Auburn University who made it their life's goal to get a hug from Taylor Swift. I secretly thought it wasn't worth the trouble. After all, Taylor is 20, weighs about 110 pounds and is bound to be nervous around young male fans wanting to wrap their bodies around her.

Ryan Leander (one of the college guys) assured me the hug was worth it. He said she came in with gusto and really wrapped him up and gave him a good squeeze. I remained skeptical, because after all he did to earn the hug, he couldn't admit it if it wasn't worth the trouble.

Think about the best huggers in your life. Grandma, Aunties, maybe a burly uncle? These are people with years experience who aren't shy about bringing you close and holding on. I remember once attending a reggae concert and watching a heavy set Jamaican woman sing for 60 minutes. All I could think was "I bet she gives good hug." After the show I found her in the lobby and she gave me a Hugger Hall of Fame squeeze.

Saturday night, Taylor proved that skinny girls can hug. She welcomed me into the radio Vibe room with a full on bear hug. Not one of those shoulders only, or pelvis out jobbies... Nope, this was as good as Grandma gave. It was the kind of hug you'd expect from a 55 year old Cajun Queen.

"Good lawdy sunshine, Come on ov'a her and give mama' su' luvin. Have ya'll tried the crawdads?"

That's how I'll remember it anyway. Strangely, the only other country stars I know who hug like they mean it are men. If you can't a chance, skip the handshake with Lee Brice. Of course Keith Anderson is the gold standard in country music.

Turns out the Hug Guys were at the show in Raleigh, and Taylor saw them in the audience during the show. I was about ten feet from this little scene:

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