Friday, April 30, 2010

Credit Card debt Freedom!

As of May 1, my wife (who I think I'll now refer to as "The Pretty Dukes" from now on) and I are CREDIT CARD DEBT FREE!

We paid off about $10K in about 7 months. We still have a ways to go to becoming totally debt free, but this is a big milestone for us.

How'd we do it you ask?

Well we didn't try to consolidate, go bankrupt or get out of any payments. We worked more (a LOT more) and sold a few things. Then we drew up a budget and stuck to it. Call it the Dave Ramsey plan if you'd like, because that's what it is. If you want to learn more, read "The Total Money Makeover."

We both always believed that after college we'd have so much money we'd pay of loans and credit cards with ease, and still take vacations etc... The truth is, unless you change your habit, you continue to spend as much as you bring in or more. Maybe in a later blog I'll list some of the humorous budget crunching things we've done to get to where we are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go!