Monday, October 11, 2010

The $10 challenge...

I don't remember a holiday shopping season so stocked with new albums from so many superstars. Taylor, Toby, Rascal Flatts, Sugarland, Keith, and Brad all have music arriving between October and December. Kenny Chesney just released his latest, and a host of newcomers will follow suit before Christmas.

Obviously record companies want to capitalize on the busiest shopping season. If you haven't heard, people are buying fewer CD's these days, and sales from (legal) downloads haven't made up the difference. It's somewhat surprising that no one has figured out how to make money in an increasingly digital world - after all, we're coming up on 15 years since Napster changed everything - but that's another blog post.

This is all great news for shoppers. If you pay more than $10 for a country album this holiday shopping season, you're simply not trying. Expect "deal of the day" promotions from Amazon and ITunes. Big box stores will stay competitive with endless sales.

I never felt comfortable handing over more than $12 for any CD in the first place. Good to see sanity restored, albeit if only until we unwrap gifts on December 25.

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