Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Re-enacting this week's Wake County School board meeting as if it were a "Saved By the Bell" Episode

Mr. Belding: Alright everybody, now settle down!

Slater: Yeah preppy, sit down before I come over there and make you.

Studio Audience: OOOOOooooooooo!!

(long dramatic pause)

Jesse: Look, I'm just trying to say maybe we should slow down a little on this assignment plan.

Zack: I'm thinking maybe you want to go enroll at Valley High.

Mr. Belding: Easy Zack, you'll get your chance to talk.

Jesse: I can't agree to this plan until opinions are liberated.

Zack: You had your chance to speak prom queen.

Studio Audience: OOOOOOoooooooo!!!

Mr. Belding: Order! Order! Order in the classroom right now or it's detention for all of you.

Lisa: I have nothing of importance to add to this episode.

Jessie: You've climbed the tree into my bedroom window for the last time Zack Morris.

Slater: Come on Mama, we're getting out of here.

(Later, inside the men's room at The Max)

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